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~(으)ㄴ/는 탓에

Because this happened... that (bad thing) happened...


The first clause is a reason or cause for the second (negative) clause. Equivalent to “Because this happened… that (bad thing) happened…”

Detailed Explanation

  • The first clause is a reason or cause for the second (negative) clause
  • Equivalent to "Because this happened... that happened..."


  • Can also take the form "N 탓에" and "A/V~(으)ㄴ/는 탓이다."
  • Don't: use positive clauses afterward - it sounds unnatural
  • Opposite clause: ~(으)ㄴ/는 덕분에 indicates a positive result - but is used in much the same manner

Usage Rules

Conjugation Table

A Past ~았/었던 탓에
Present ~(으)ㄴ 탓에
V Past ~(으)ㄴ 탓에
Present ~는 탓에
N Past 였던/이었던 탓에
Present 인 탓에

Sentence Examples

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    Past Tense— 배트맨 - Batman

  1. A 나는 항상 우울했던 탓에 여자친구들이랑 항상 빨리 헤어졌어요.

    Because I was always depressed, my girlfriends always broke up with me quickly.

  2. V 범인들이 추적하는동안 배트모빌의 가스를 다 사용한 탓에 계속 쫓아갔어요...

    Since the Batmobile ran out of gas in the middle of my pursuit of the bad guys, I kept chasing them on foot...

  3. N 내 부모님들이 부자였던 탓에 범인들이 죽였어요.

    Because my parents were rich, bad guys murdered them.

  4. A 나는 맑은 날이 정말 싫었던 탓에 밖에 나가지 않아서 피부가 햇볕에 타지 않았어요...

    Since I really hated clear days, I didn't go outside and didn't get a suntan...

  5. V 아침마다 단백질 쉐이크를 마시고 운동을 안 한 탓에 살이 많이 쪘어요.

    Because I drank protein shakes every morning and didn't exercise, I gained a lot of weight.

  6. N 난 잘 생긴남자 였던 탓에 맨날 나 한테 게이남자가 시시덕거렸어요~

    Since I was a really good looking guy, gay guys flirted with me every day~

  7. Present Tense— 브루스웨인 - Bruce Wayne

  8. A 내 집이 너무 큰 탓에 알프레드를 찾을 때 찾을 수 없어요.

    Because my house is so big, I can never find Alfred when I'm looking for him.

  9. V 내가 파티를 하는 탓에 부엌에 불이 났던 것을 몰랐어요.

    Since I'm having a party in my house, I didn't know there was a fire in the kitchen.

  10. N 내가 매일밤에 배트맨인 탓에 삶에 사랑이 없어요.

    Because I'm Batman every night, there's no love in my life.

  11. A 조커가 미친 탓에 아침 커피에 소금을 넣는다.

    Since the Joker is crazy, he puts salt in his coffee.

  12. V 조커가 내 자동차를 분홍색을 칠하는 탓에 내 슈퍼히어로 친구들이 나를 보고 비웃어요.

    Because the Joker paints my car pink, all my super friends laugh at me.

  13. N 고탐이 다크 도시 인 탓에 자동차에 헤드 라이트가 필요하고 범인들이 내가 올 때를 항상 알아요.~

    Since Gotham is a dark city, I have to use my headlights and bad guys always know when I'm coming.~

  14. Propositions & Imperatives

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