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~게 되다

has happened


Use this grammar to (passively) express something that “has happened…”

Detailed Explanation

  • Passive events in which the subject is not actively involved
  • Equivalent to "has happened" OR "have/has done"


  • Common: ~게 되었어요 (Shortened: ~게 됐어요) means something has been decided or come true
  • Use: gentle and indirect way to say something has happened
  • Express the result of a change

Conjugation Table

V Past ~게 되었어요
Present ~게 돼요
Future ~게 될 거예요

Sentence Examples

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    슈퍼맨 (Superman) Examples

  1. 입원하다 들었어? 슈퍼맨이 입원하게 되었어요!

    Did you hear? Superman has been admitted to the hospital!

  2. 이해하다 정말요? 의사가 슈퍼맨의 문제를 이해하게 될까요?

    Really? Will the doctor understand Superman's problem?

  3. 살다 모르겠어요. 슈퍼맨은 여기 지구에서 50년이나 살게 되었지만 나이를 안 먹었나봐!

    I dunno. Superman has lived here on this earth for at least 50 years but he's never aged!

  4. 오다 아마 슈퍼맨의 고향에서 다른 슈퍼사람이 오게 되요.

    Maybe another Super Person from Superman's hometown has come.

  5. 남다 하지만 난 이렇게 들었어, 슈퍼맨의 고향 행성이 다 안 남게 되잖아.

    But I heard nothing was left of Superman's home planet.

  6. 취직하다 아마 슈퍼맨은 새로운 회사에 취직하게 될 거예요.

    Maybe Superman will be employed by a new company.

  7. 가다 내 생각에 렉스루터 회사에 가게 될 거예요.

    I bet he goes to Lex Luthor's company.

  8. 닫다 뭐? 나는 렉스루터 회사는 문을 닫았다고 들었어요.

    What? I heard that Lex Luthor's company was closed.

  9. 열다 아니야. 어제 그 근처에 갔다왔는데 거기 문을 열게 되서 많은 로봇들이 일 하던데요.

    No way. Yesterday, I went over to that area and saw the doors opened and lots of robots working there.

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