(950 Words)

- Full list of Beginner Vocabulary (individual files)
- All Beginner Vocab (single PDF)
- Anki (Droid) packs for ALL 16 weeks
Low Intermediate
(2160 Words)

- Full list of Low Intermediate Vocabulary (individual files)
- All Low Intermediate Vocabulary (single PDF)
(288 Words so far – March 2014)

- Full List of Intermediate Vocabulary (individual files – Work In-Progress)
High Intermediate
The following lists can be found on our Gumroad Store site.
500 Verbs / 500 Adjectives

- 500 Basic Korean Verbs One-page Cheatsheet ($3)
- 500 Basic Korean Adjectives One-page Cheatsheet ($3)
- 500 Verbs + 500 Adjectives Bundle ($5)
Frequency Lists

Level A (초급)
- Full List (PDF) – 982 Words ($5)
- Nouns only (PDF) – 497 Nouns ($2)
- Verbs only (PDF) – 155 Verbs ($2)
- Adjectives only (PDF) – 75 Adjectives ($2)
- Other only (PDF) – 255 Other words ($2)
- BUNDLE (All PDFs + Vocab in an Excel Spreadsheet) ($8)
Level B (중급)
- Full List (PDF) – 2111 Words ($5)
- Nouns only (PDF) – 1199 Nouns ($2)
- Verbs only (PDF) – 501 Verbs ($2)
- Adjectives only (PDF) – 132 Adjectives ($2)
- BUNDLE (All PDFs + Vocab in an Excel Spreadsheet) ($8)
Level C (고급)
- Full List (PDF) – 2872 Words ($5)
- Nouns only (PDF) – 1708 Nouns ($2)
- Verbs only (PDF) – 689 Verbs ($2)
- Adjectives only (PDF) – 169 Adjectives ($2)
- BUNDLE (All PDFs + Vocab in an Excel Spreadsheet) ($8)
- The EVERYTHING Bundle – 5965 Words ($14)
- Includes ALL Frequency List PDFs + an Excel spreadsheet with ALL the lists and the full 5965 Word List.
- Includes 14 files (and is priced at $1 per file)
- Level A,B,C Nouns – 3404 Nouns ($5)
- Level A,B,C Verbs – 1345 Verbs ($4)
- Level A,B,C Adjectives – 376 Adjectives ($3)
Hello! Thank you for a great resource!
I noticed one small error in your Vocabulary sheet (the very first one called “True Beginner Week 1”). For Day 5, the word “cat” in Korean is missing a “o” at the bottom of the second syllable unit. I just thought you would want to know that. This is in no way a criticism – I love that you’ve worked so hard to provide a beautiful and free learning product! Thank you again!