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It became... (Passive Verbs)


Use this grammar to (passively) express a change in the state of something. i.e. “it became…” or “it was written” etc.

Detailed Explanation

  • These are Passive verbs - either some indirect action caused them OR the action is the result/effect of another action
  • Equivalent to "is/was" in some state (for example "was written" = 써졌어요), or "it became" in such and such a state


  • This form is used with ONLY non-이/하/리/기 verbs (but in recent years it can include some)
  • Change action verbs to passive (깼어요 => 깨졌어요)
  • Adjectives: (learned in Beginner level) - express a change of state (예뻐졌어요 = "became pretty")

Conjugation Table

V Past ~아/어졌어요
Present ~아/어져요
Future ~아/어질 거예요

* Note: As stated above, this grammar primarily applies to Verbs. If Adjectives are used, it indicates a change of state (예뻐졌어요 = "became pretty").

Sentence Examples

Change to: EN

* Note: 새로운 배트맨 (New Batman) Examples

    Past Tense

  1. 정하다 새로운 배트맨 영화에 밴아프렉이 새로운 배트맨 배우로 정해졌어요.

    Ben Affleck was appointed as the new Batman actor in the new Batman movie.

  2. 쓰다 크리스테리오가 스크립트에 써졌어요.

    The script was written by Chris Terrio.

  3. 켜다 배트맨이 어두운 방에서 싸우면 좋겠지만 이 방에 들어가자마자 불이 다 켜졌어요.

    Although Batman prefers to fight in dark rooms, as soon as he stepped into this room, all the lights were turned on.

  4. 쏟다 큰 돈이 든 가방이 범인들때문에 바닥에 떨어져 돈이 모두 쏟어졌어요.

    Because the criminals had a big bag full of money, it was spilled out all over the floor.

  5. 꺼다 그다음에 방 불이 다 꺼졌어요.

    After that, all the lights were turned off.

  6. 깨다 큰 개가 누구 잠에서 깨서 멍멍 짖자 배트맨은 두려운 생각이 들었어요.

    A big dog was awakened by someone and barked at a scared Batman.

  7. 누르다 하지만 문이 큰 개에게 눌렸어요.

    But the door was pressed by the big dog.

  8. 고치다 갑지기 배트맨의 고장난 휴대폰이 고쳐졌어요.

    Suddenly, Batman's broken cell phone was fixed.

  9. 지우다 "알프렛? 왜 내 스파이 정보에서 이렇게 큰 개 이야기가 지워졌어요?"

    "Alfred? Why was the story about a big dog like this erased from my spy information?"

  10. 기다리다 "아, 죄송해요, 배트맨님. 나는 새로운 갓질라 영화가 정말 기다려졌서 연락을 안 했어요."

    "Ah, sorry, Batman sir. I was just really waiting for the new Godzilla movie that I didn't contact you."

  11. Present Tense

  12. 믿다 "예전에도 안 믿어졌는데 오늘도 안 믿어져요, 알프렛! 웬 일 일까?"

    "I didn't believe you before and I don't believe you now, Alfred! What's happening?"

  13. Propositions & Imperatives

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