Detailed Explanation
- Recall or confirm something you heard someone else say previously.
- Equivalent to "I remember hearing..."
- Correct form of the expression depends on the sentence type of what was previously heard.
- Different conjugations based on (1) declarative, (2) interrogative, (3) propositive, and (4) imperative sentences.
- 2nd clause can indicate the speaker's (1) opinion, (2) question, (3) advice, or (4) invitation.
- Combo of ~는다고 하다 = a citation + ~던데 = recollection
- ~고 하 can be omitted (leaving just ~다던데)
- If used at the end of a sentence, shows speaker's disagreement or expectation of response from the other person.
Usage Rules
Sentence Examples
* Note: 더오피스 '' - The Office "Gossip" Examples
V 에릭하고 메건은 결혼 안 했다고 하던데 헛소문인 것 같아요.
I remember hearing that Eric and Megan didn't get married, but it seems that's just a rumor.
N 스캔덜 난 사람이 스탠리였다고 하던데 그 아내에게 이야기를 하지마세요.
I heard that Stanley had a scandal, so don't tell his wife.
V 안젤라의 남자친구가 81세 부자랑 대이트를 했냐고 하던데 어떻게 알았어요?
You asked if I'd heard that Angela is dating an 81-year-old rich boyfriend, how did you know that?
N 안젤라의 남자친구가 퀴즈노스 샌드위치샵 사장님이었냐고 하던데 사실이예요?
You asked if I'd heard that Angela's boyfriend is the owner of a Quizno's shop, is that really true?
A 사장님의 귀를 잡담위해서 다뜻다고 하던데 비밀이 들으면 좀 쉿 해 주세요.
I remember hearing that the boss's ears burn for gossip, so if you hear a secret, keep it quiet.
V 켈리가 날마다 점심을 안 먹는다고 하던데 신경성 식욕 부진증인 것 같아죠.
I remember hearing that Kelly doesn't eat lunch every day, so it seems like anorexia.
N 이 회사에 제일 큰 수다쟁이가 사장님이라고 하던데 사장님의 주변에 있으면 입을 꼭 닫으세요.
I remember hearing that the biggest gossiper in this office is the boss, so when you're around him, definitely keep your mouth closed.
A 내가 천식에 걸렸냐고 하던데 누가 그런 말을 했어요?
I heard that someone said I have asthma, who said that?
V 천식있는 사람은 스쿠바를 못 한다고 하던데 왜 이렇게 소문을 확산하고있어요?
I remember hearing that anyone with asthma can't go scuba diving, so why would you spread that rumor like this?
N 에린이 조금 계으른 회사원이라고 하던데 사장님이 다음주에 그를 해고할 것 같아요.
I remember hearing that Erin is the laziest office worker, so the boss will probably fire her next week.
V 펨이 엄마가 될 거라고 하던데 진짜 싫더라고요.
I had heard that Pam is going to be a mommy - she's really going to hate that.
N 펨이 다음달에 임산부일 거라고 하던데 그에게 우리 아가 옷을 물려 줄거예요.
I had heard that Pam is going to get pregnant next month, so we can give her our baby clothes.
V 결혼식을 조금 빨리 할 거라고 하던데 펨이 곧 출산을 하나봐요.
I remember hearing that they sped up the wedding because Pam was just about to give birth.
V 내가 타코벨개의 목소리를 됬기 때문에 새 광고를 방송하자고 하던데 난 타코벨개의 목소리가 진짜 아닌데요.
I had heard that someone said since I'm the voice of the Taco Bell dog, they wanted to make a new commercial with me, but I'm not really the voice of the Taco Bell dog.
V 회사에서 잡담을 하지 말라고 하던데 지금 잡담 하지 마세요.
I remember hearing that we shouldn't gossip in the office, so don't gossip with me now.