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I personally noticed...


Use this grammar to express noticing or discovering something new. It is primarily for non-first-person subjects but can be used in the first-person to notice a change in your own attitudes or feelings.

Detailed Explanation

  • Used to indicate the speaker directly saw, heard, or felt some previous event or action
  • Equivalent to "I personally witnessed..." or "I personally noticed..."


  • NO: First-person sentences - this is about something you witnessed
  • BUT: First-person CAN be used when: expressing mood, emotions, or feelings (use A+아/어하다)
  • Use only for things you discovered - not things previously known
  • Similar: ~더군(요) (can be 존댄말 or 반말) but slightly stronger
  • Similar: ~더라 (used only for 반말) but slightly stronger
  • Past ("it had happened"): ~았/었더라고요

Usage Rules

Conjugation Table

V Past ~았/었더라고요
Present ~더라고요

Sentence Examples

Change to: EN

    Past Tense

  1. 내가 금요일에 마지막 수업을 끝냈을때 옆 반에 수업이 벌써 끝났더라고요.

    When I finished my last class I Friday, I personally observed that the next classroom over had already finished.

  2. 금요일에 내가 수업을 일찍 끝내면 항상 옆 반 수업은 벌써 끝났더라고요.

    Even if I finish the class early on Fridays, I can personally notice that the next class over always finishes before mine.

  3. 또 학교에서 4월의 월급을 적게 줬더라고요.

    And at school, I personally witnessed a decrease in my salary for April.

  4. Present Tense

  5. 그리고 가르치는 고등학교의 월급도 작년에 비해 더 적게 주더라고요.

    Also, at the high school where I teach, I personally observed that I'm being given less than last year.

  6. 처음 전주대에 왔을때 여러 학생들이 화장실에서 댐배도 피고 꽁초도 버리더라고요.

    When I first came to Jeonju University, I personally witnessed various students smoking in the bathrooms and discarding their cigarette butts there.

  7. 요즘 우울한 마음이 생기더라고요.

    I've personally noticed that I'm starting to get depressed.

  8. 한 수업에 학생들이 항상 내 말을 안 듣더라고요.

    In one class, I've personally witnessed that the students constantly pay no attention to what I'm saying.

  9. Propositions & Imperatives

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