Detailed Explanation
- Conveys feelings based on some outward appearance
- Equivalent to "looks like" or "seems like"
- Used with ADJECTIVES only
- ~게 보이다 is an acceptable alternative
Usage Rules
Conjugation Table
A | Past | ~아/어 보였다 |
Present | ~아/어 보이다 | |
Future | ~아/어 보일 것이다 |
Sentence Examples
A 어제 미나씨가 피곤 해 보였어요.
Yesterday, Mina looked tired.
A 탐 크루즈의 영화를 봤을 때 키가 커 보였잖아요.
When I watched Tom Cruise's movie, he looked tall.
A 그 웹회사를 임차했을 때 웹사이트가 멋있어 보였어요.
When I was hired by that web company, their websites looked cool.
A 그 점심 음식은 맛있게 보였잖아요.
That lunch looked good.
A 이 체육대회를 시작했을 때 그 분은 힘이 많아 보였어요.
When the sports match started, that guy looked like he was strong.
A 지금 괜찮으세요? 슬퍼 보여요.
Are you OK? You look sad.
A 속도가 지금 빨라 보여요.
The speed looks really fast now.
A 물이 차가워 보이잖아요.
The water looks cold.
A 왜, 지금 화나 보입니까?
Why do you look angry now?
A 이삭이는 그렇게 하면 진짜 강아지 같아 보여요.
When Isaac does that, he really looks like a puppy.
A 한국에 오랫동안 살았서 한국말 잘 해 보일 것이예요.
Since you lived in Korea for a long time, it seems like you should speak Korean well.
A 비싼차를 운전하니까 풍부해 보일 것이예요.
Since he drives an expensive car, it seems like he's rich.
A 어제 늦게 왔서 오늘도 늦어 보일 것잖아요.
Since I was late yesterday, it looks like I'll be late again today.
A 그 집가 넓어 보일 것입니다.
That house looks like it would be wide.
A 와! 이 영화가 진짜 재미있어 보일 것이다!
Wow! This movie looks like it's going to be really interesting!