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Prob'ly (informal)

Detailed Explanation

  • Only used conversationally among friends (NEVER in writing)
  • Gives an unconfirmed assumption/supposition


  • Also used to softly disagree with listener
  • ONLY used when speaker is privy to the info - if both people know the same info, can't use it
  • Intonation rises at the end - almost like a question
  • Weaker conviction than ~(으)ㄹ 거예요

Usage Rules

Conjugation Table

A Past ~았/었을걸요
Present ~(으)ㄹ걸요
V Past ~았/었을걸요
Present ~(으)ㄹ걸요
N Past 였/이었을걸요
Present 일걸요

Sentence Examples

Change to: EN

    Past Tense

  1. A 그 분은 게을렀을걸요.

    He was prob'ly just lazy.

  2. V 책을 읽었을걸요.

    I prob'ly read that book.

  3. N 저 큰 건물은 박물관이었을걸요.

    That big building was prob'ly a museum.

  4. A 그 영화는 너무 징그러웠을걸요.

    That movie was prob'ly gross.

  5. V 축구선수 다 아주 빨리 달렸을걸요.

    All the soccer stars prob'ly ran fast.

  6. N 혜인의 남자친구가 너무 멋있을걸요.

    HyeIn's boyfriend was prob'ly pretty handsome.

  7. Present Tense

  8. A 진영 씨는 똑똑할걸요.

    JinYoung is prob'ly pretty smart.

  9. V 내 생각에 우리는 수영을 할걸요.

    I think we should prob'ly go swimming.

  10. N 드라마 배우 일걸요.

    He's prob'ly a drama star.

  11. A 김치찌개는 안 매울걸요.

    The kimchi jjigae prob'ly isn't spicy.

  12. V 여기에 앉을걸요.

    You could prob'ly sit here.

  13. N 너는 천재 일걸요.

    You're prob'ly a genius.

  14. Propositions & Imperatives

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