Detailed Explanation
- Expresses the realization of an incorrect assumption
- Equivalent to "I hadn't realized" or "I had thought"
Conjugation Table
A | Past | ~(으)ㄴ 줄 몰랐다/알았다 |
Supposition | ~(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다/알았다 | |
V | Past | ~(으)ㄴ 줄 몰랐다/알았다 |
Present | ~는 줄 몰랐다/알았다 | |
Future | ~(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다/알았다 | |
Supposition | ~(으)ㄹ 줄 몰랐다/알았다 | |
N | Past | ~이었는/였는 줄 몰랐다/알았다 |
Present | ~인 줄 몰랐다/알았다 | |
Supposition | ~일 줄 몰랐다/알았다 |
Sentence Examples
A 톰크루즈는 그렇게 키가 작은 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know Tom Cruise was that short.
V 어제는 비가 온 줄 알았어요.
I had thought it was going to rain yesterday.
N 당신의 집과 차를 보니까 부자 였는 줄 알았어요.
I saw your house and your car, so I thought you were rich.
A 검은색 옷을 산 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know you bought a black shirt.
V 숙제를 한 줄 알았어요.
I had thought we had homework.
V 지금 출근하는 줄 알았어요.
I thought it was time to start work now.
N 컴퓨터 프로그램머인 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know that was a computer program.
V 그렇게 디자인하는 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't you could design like that.
N 영어 선생님인 줄 알았어요.
I thought you were an English teacher.
V 그렇게 시끄러운 이야기하는 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know it was such a noisy story.
A 너의 남자친구가 이렇게 못생길 줄 알았어요.
I thought your boyfriend would be ugly like this.
V 이상한 남자들이 화장실 안에서 담배를 피울 줄 몰랐어요.
I hadn't realized that strange boys like to smoke in the bathrooms.
N 당신이 이상한 남자일 줄 몰랐어요.
I didn't know you were a strange guy.
A 그분은 평범할 줄 알았어요.
I thought he would be an ordinary guy.
V 항상 밖에 나가서 담배 피워야 하는 줄 알았어요.
I thought you should always go outside to smoke a cigarette.