As always, click any of the images to be taken to the page with the story on our Tumblr site.
Here are the basic types:
- MIA (someone who’s always “Missing In Action”)
- A rascal who’s bad to his parents
- A flat out idiot
- An outcast
- An indispensable person
- A childhood buddy
- Someone who won’t compromise
- A weak and indecisive person with no charisma
- Someone impervious to sexual temptation
- A terrible communicator
- A Scrooge (stubborn, miserly, and greedy)
- Someone who is everywhere at once (maybe like a doppelganger)
- A slick character (or also a pretty boy)
- A Geisha-type character
As for me:
I’d like to think I’m indispensable (#5), but I’m also a terrible communicator IN KOREAN (#10), and at times I feel a little like an outcast (#4) for various reasons.
I’m definitely NOT impervious to temptation (#9), nor lack charisma and weak (#8), nor a rascal (#2), idiot (#3), or slick character (#13). Though I may occasionally be accused of being a Scrooge (#11) and MIA (#1).
How about you? Which characters are you most like?
(Remember to click the images above to read more of the background story for each one.)