FYI: For anyone having trouble with Naver dictionary no longer loading properly in LWT (Learning With Texts):
I’ve discovered that the original Naver dictionary link I used isn’t working properly right now:, the portion in red wasn’t in my original link – I found that added in Naver today when I checked.)
Therefore, I’ve switched my dictionary over to Daum dictionary and I already like it better. Daum dictionary loads what looks like a mobile version of their website, so it makes for much better reading:

I finally discovered how to use Naver Translate in LWT. Naver, like Google Translate has to open in a pop-up window. For this to work you should precede the URI with an asterisk
These URI are working at the moment:
EXCELLENT work! Will update the post when I get a chance. Thanks a lot!
Oops! The google translate URI should be:
The daum link doesn’t seem to work correctly: it loads the definition for 예비군 no matter which word I look up.
I think that’s because the query is looking up the “wordid” as 예비군. Try this link instead:
Thanks for your reply AARON! Now the message below loads in the dictionary pane saying my network is having a problem so connect later:
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Sure thing. Let me know if you continue to have problems with that or not.