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Low Intermediate

ALL Low Intermediate Vocabulary and Grammar Sheets

Korean Grammar in Use: Beginner
Complete Guide to the TOPIK: Basic

FULL Vocabulary List Plus Complete Guide to the TOPIK List (Words 1-1260)

FULL Vocabulary List (NO TOPIK) (Words 1-720)

Low Intermediate Vocabulary & Grammar

Low Intermediate Week 8 Review Paper

  1. Week 1: Words 1-72 (Intro + Getting Ready) • Quiz 1
  2. Week 2: Words 73-144 (Units 1-2) • Quiz 2
  3. Week 3: Words 145-216 (Unit 3) • Quiz 3
  4. Week 4: Words 217-288 (Units 4-5) • Quiz 4
  5. Week 5: Words 289-360 (Units 6-8) • Quiz 5
  6. Week 6: Words 361-432 (Units 9-12) • Quiz 6
  7. Week 7: Words 433-504 (Units 13-15) • Quiz 7
  8. Week 8: Words 505-576 (Units 16-18) • Quiz 8
  9. Week9: Words 577-648 (Units19-22) • Quiz 9
  10. Week 10: Words 649-720 (Units 23-24) • Quiz 10

Complete Guide the the TOPIK Vocab Sheets

TOPIK Basic week 1 Vocab

  1. TOPIK Week 1 (Words 721-828) • Quiz 11
  2. TOPIK Week 2 (Words 829-936) • Quiz 12
  3. TOPIK Week 3 (Words 937-1044) • Quiz
  4. TOPIK Week 4 (Words 1045-1152) • Quiz
  5. TOPIK Week 5 (Words 1153-1260) • Quiz

ALL Low Intermediate Grammar Rules

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  1. All Grammar Rules on A4 Paper (5-page PDF)
  2. All Grammar Rules on A2 Poster
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13 thoughts

    1. You’re welcome! I sure hope these are helpful! Looking forward to continuing my own study until we’ve got the entire TOP 6,000 words in word lists!

  1. I really appreciate all the sheets you post on this website! I just started teaching myself korean yesterday and this will definately get me on the way to being fluent. Thankyou Aaron 🙂

    1. Sure thing! Glad you find them useful. I’m currently working on some new habits for more effective Korean study myself, and hope to be able to write a post about that soon as well. I find that Resources are great, but Motivation and Habits are the KEYS to Success. Let me know if you have any good advice about how you can study more effectively!~

  2. You have no idea how much this has helped. Im self teaching, but introduced me to cyber university, where you get certificates. Then this! Thank you so much!

  3. Hi Aaron, I am not sure whether you are still working on the site, but I have just started learning Korean, and these vocabulary sets are phenomenal. So well organised, thank you.

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