These are the grammar points covered in the Beginner class. If you know all of these and/or think you have a pretty good grasp of Korean vocabulary and grammar already, then check out the list of Low Intermediate grammar to see if you should advance to the next class.
- True Beginner = 200 (50 * 4 weeks)
- Beginner = 700 (50 * 14 weeks)
- Supplementary (100)
- TOTAL = 1000 new words
- Basic sentence structure
- Verb conjugations
- Adjectives and conjugations
- Informal polite, formal polite (honorifics), plain style conjugations
- Honorific verbs and nouns (and conjugations ~다 = ~시다)
- ~이다 (be verb)
- ~있다/~없다
- Wh- Question words
- Numbers
- Counters (개, 명, 병, 권, etc)
- How to tell the date (numbers)
- How to tell the time (numbers)
- ~에/~에서
- ~부터(에서)/~까지
- 이/가, 은/는, 을/를
- How much, how many, how long?
- Verb tense: Past, Present, Future
- Negation (안)
- Prepositions (위/아래/앞/뒤/옆/사이)
- ~하고/~(이)랑/~와/과
- Joining sentences: And ~고~, But ~지마~, Therefore ~서~
- ~으러/~으로
- Can/can’t (~을 수 있/없다), know/don’t know how (~을 줄 아라/몰라요)
- Want to (~고 싶어요), Have tried/experienced (~아/어 봤어요)
- Must (~아/어야 해요), Intend to (~으려고 해요)
- Shall we? (을 까요?), Please do sth (~아/어 주세요)
- Sports & music (~하다, ~치다, ~타다)
- More than (~보다/더), Most (제일/가장)
- Body words
- Irregular verbs & adjectives
Thank you this is very useful and simple to understand
Hi sir, how can I see all the grammar lessons? There are just a few grammars that linked but the others aren’t. Could you please check it?
Thank you so much!
Your work is so much useful and great!
I will work on updating some of the grammar lessons this summer. I’m currently working 2 jobs, so it’s not easy to keep up with this blog, but during the summer vacation, I’ll try to make some time for more grammar and vocab. (I’m also currently in a KIIP class – so it should motivate me to do a bit more.)