One of our readers recently asked me to find out everything I could about Korean resumes because she needs to fill one out. So I did.
Here’s some great info to get you started:
Best Search Term: 이력서 작성방법 (How to Create a Resume)
OR simply: 이력서 (Resume)
Types of Resumes:
My wife has told me that in Korea, there are basically 3 types of Resumes:
- A generic resume (good for any job) = 이력서
- A resume for public servants and teachers = 공무원 이력서
- Specialized, creative resumes designed by the applicant themselves
The first two types of resume can be found to Download from many locations online (and I’ve linked to a few below). They can also be purchased in any bookstore.
The third resume type is quite uncommon and would probably only be used if applying for a job like Google or some other specialized company. But even in that case, a generic 이력서 would probably be accepted as well.
Top 3 most relevant How-To posts here:
- 서울특별시 고령자취업알선센터 > 이력서 작성요령
*(Seoul City Elderly Job Placement Center > How to Create a Resume) - 대구광역시 동구 > 취업가이드 > 이력서 작성요령
(Daegu Metropolitan City > Job Guide > How to Create a Resume) - 고용노동부 한국고용정보원 >이력서 작성요령
(Korea Ministry of Employment and Labor > How to Create a Resume)
Downloadable Files here (HWP):
- 박하사탕의 블로그: 이력서 양식 HWP 다운(첨부 파일)
*(Peppermint Candy’s Blog: HWP Download Forms (Attached File)) - 울산과학기술대학교 취업지원센터 > 이력서 표준양식 50선 – 자기소개서 작성가이드
(Ulsan National University of Science and Technology Career Development Center > 50 Standard Form CVs and Written Personal Statement Guide)
The one from Ulsan University is incredibly extensive. As you can see here, it even includes resume examples in Chinese and English:
Peppermint Candy’s blog provides 6 simple forms:
- The Most Simple Resume
- Superior Simple Resume (with some additions)
- An Additions Page for added experience
- The Korea Ministry of Employment and Labor’s Most Recommended Resume form
- The Most Commonly Used Application/Resume form
- A Basic Self-Introduction form
I will go over EACH of these in more detail in a later post.
Creating a Self-Introduction:
- 국가보훈처 > 자기소개서 작성방법
(Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs > How to Create a Self-Introduction) - 부자병법 블로그: 자기소개서 작성요령
*(The Rich Man’s Art of War Blog: How to Create a Self-Introduction)
Resume Writing Tips:
- 프루덴셜 스토리 > 취업과 이직을 위한 현명한 이력서 작성 관리 노하우
*(Prudential Story > Smart Resume for employment and turnover management know-how)
The story from Prudential here gives tips for Resume writing for all kinds of different job seekers:
- Entry-level, no experience resumes (be as concise as possible)
- Low-level, with experience resumes (focus on your growth)
- High-level, experienced resumes (emphasize past results – show how you’re a good fit)
Korean Job Seeker Series
Because the above entries look to contain a great deal of excellent information about how to PREPARE for a job in a Korean company (and since I eventually want to do just that), over the course of the next few weeks and months, I will progressively get to work translating some of these to help our readers (and myself) learn more about what it’s like to apply for Korean jobs in Korea. The starred (*) entries above are the first ones I will work on translating.
As time goes on, and as my experience allows, I will continue adding to the Korean Job Seeker series with additional topics about:
- Job Interview Tips
- Korean Presentation Skills
- Getting Your First Korean Job
- The Korean Job Experience
And so on. Many of those topics may take years to write. It all depends on my own personal progress toward those ends.
But for now, I hope this post has provided some good resources to get you started. Stay tuned for next week when I translate the first How-To Create a Resume article from the Seoul City Elderly Job Placement Center. And I’ll try to translate the 6 forms provided by Peppermint Candy as soon as possible as well.
You can buy those printed resume forms and special envelope in Daiso, for about 1,000원!
great great blog by the way!
Thanks for the info. I’ve definitely seen them around. I know you can also find them online in other places to print yourself if you want. But it’s nice to know that you can get them with special envelopes in Daiso as well!